Saturday, 31 March 2012

Wardah Luminous Face Powder

Review : Wardah Luminous Face Powder (Loose Powder) 30 gr

Gambar ini aq ambil dari situsnya wardah, coz kameraku kurang mumpuni buat nangkep shade bedak
Warna aslinya 02 lebih terang dari deskripsi yang terlihat di gambar dan agak pinkish.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel (Moist)

Review : Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel (Moist)

Official Site :|6|39|0&productid=3688

(Mind my english, I know it’s terrible^^’)

Finally, I just finished writing this review after I finished 1 bottle of this 2 months ago :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fair & Lovely Krim Pencerah multiVITAMIN

(Catatan : review ini hanya untuk berbagi pengalaman, tidak ada unsur promosi atau motif lain)

Review : Fair & Lovely Krim Pencerah multi VITAMINTM

Maap atas gambar yang pas2an, maklum kamera ngga mumpuni :D

Deskripsi Kemasan :
Untuk kulit tampak cerah bersih
Mempersembahkan Fair & Lovely MultiVITAMIN dengan teknologi Tri-Fair Complex yang bekerja pada problema untuk mendapatkan kulit tampak cerah bersih*:
Penggelapan kulit, Noda pada kulit, Warna kulit yang tidak merata
Hasilnya Bukan hanya membuat kulit tampak cerah, tapi kulit tampak cerah bersih*
*Secara terukur menyamarkan penggelapan, noda pada kulit, warna kulit yang tidak merata dengan penggunaan teratur.

Kemasan : Sachet 9 gr (tersedia juga kemasan ukuran tube)

Ini situsnya :

Kali ini aku mereview produk yang lumayan murce keluaran Unilever. Sesuai deskripsi kemasan ini produk pencerah kulit. Unilever adalah worldwide brand dan produk ini udah dipasarkan di banyak Negara termasuk di sini (aq ngga tahu formula produk di tiap Negara sama apa ngga). Dulu produk ini booming di India dan laku keras di sana, mungkin karena harganya yang affordable n banyak yang cocok memakainya (ranked 4. in Economic Times survey of 180 top brands in 2001 and 2002 & ranked 7. in the Economic Times survey in 2004 India). Yah, namanya juga orang Asia, obsesinya pasti pengen punya kulit putih (termasuk juga yang nulis, ehm dulunya si he he).
Pertama kali tahu produk ini gara2 lihat iklannya Nikita Willy dan jadi penasaran, aku nyari di indomaret, alfa, giant dan hypermart ngga ada yang jual, sempet nyari di Boston Drugs juga. Kemudian, disuatu minggu pagi yang cerah dan bersinar (lebai…) aku nganter mama ke pasar, ngeliat kios sembako yang juga memajang rentengan sachet ini produk, langsung deh samber. Harga 1 sachet Cuma Rp. 3000 (Feb 2012), murce bo’. Aku cuma beli 1 sachet coz yang namanya produk murah selalu bikin aku curiga (semacam beberapa kali jadi korban beberapa produk brand lokal yang murce). Bahan2 aktif di krim ini adalah vitamin B3, derivat vitamin C dan vitamin E.

Kandungan Bahan :
Water, Staric Acid, Niacinamide, Glycerin, Isopropyl Myristate, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Titanium Dioxide, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Potassium Hydroxide, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Perfume, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Allantoin, Methyl Paraben, Phenoxyethanol, Propyl Paraben, Aluminum Hydroxide, Disodium EDTA, Pyridoxine HCl, Zinc Oxide, Alumina, BHT.

Tekstur :
Krim putih yang berwarna agak shimmer dikit, non greasy, wanginya mengingatkan wangi sabun mandi, ringan dan ngga lengket, mudah meresap dengan finishing matte yang meninggalkan efek ‘cerah’ instant di kulit setelah pemakaian (setelah berkeringat efek ‘cerah’nya memudar coz coverage krim ngeblend dengan warna asli kulit).

Kondisi dan problem kulitku : kombinasi-berminyak, sensitif, gampang terlihat kusam dan warna kulit ngga rata (Hi hi jadi malu)

Tekstur krim produk ini mengingatkan saya dengan Ponds white beauty, ada kemiripan secara sama2 keluaran unilever wajar saja lah. Pertama kucoba pakai di pagi hari, Cuma butuh sedikit aja untuk pemakaian ke seluruh wajah dan leher. Produk ini lumayan wangi menurutku tapi ngga mengganggu, wanginya mengingatkan aku sama bau bau sabun mandi (skincarenya unilever rata2 emang wangi) cmiiw. Teksturnya aku suka karena mudah meresap di kulit, non greasy, non sticky, ringan dan memiliki coverage tipis yang meninggalkan efek cerah di wajah seketika setelah diusapkan, tapi nantinya lapisan ‘cerah’nya memudar ketika warnanya ngeblend dengan warna asli kulit pas kita udah keringetan. Skali lagi ini mengingatkanku ama efek setelah memakai Ponds white beauty atau flawless white yang memiliki ciri khas efek yang sama. Krim ini ngga membuat kulit berminyakku tambah berminyak, kebalikannya, sepertinya ini krim punya unsur oil control.
                Aq memakainya sebagai dasar buat liquid foundie-ku, hasilnya lumayan bikin liquid foundie-ku lebih nempel di wajah. Kandungan pelembab di krim ini mungkin pas untuk kulit normal sampai kombinasi berminyak tapi aku rasa kurang moist untuk dipakai buat kulit kering atau kulit yang dehydrated. 3 minggu pemakaian, krim ini hanya sedikit mencerahkan kulit saja (hanya sedikit saja), dari awal aku emang ngga berharap banyak soal efek pencerah. Soal melembutkan kulit, aku ga bisa bilang coz ngga ngerasain efek itu.

Kelebihan :
- Harga sangat sangat terjangkau buatku (1 sachet = Rp. 3rb saja)
- 1 Sachet bisa tahan hampir 3 minggu (Irit bo’)
- tekstur ringan, mudah meresap, ngga lengket, ngga berminyak
- hasil matte dengan ‘coverage’ yang meninggalkan efek ‘cerah’ sementara di wajah
- ngga menyumbat pori dan ngga bikin komedo atau jerawat (di kulitku, tapi tiap orang beda, kalo yang lagi jerawatan jangan pakai ini)
- bisa dipakai buat dasar sebelum foundation
- ngga berminyak karena ini water based dan ada oil control
- cukup melembabkan
- ada bahan perlindungan UV meski ngga disebutkan Spf berapa

Kekurangan :
- Wanginya lumayan meski ngga bisa dibilang mengganggu
- mengandung alkohol
- efek pencerah hanya sedikit sekali hasil yang terlihat
- harus cepat diblend begitu krim dioleskan karena krim cepat mengering di wajah, kalo terlambat ngeblend, jadinya bakal ngga rata  
- Perlindungan UV-nya rendah (tidak disebutkan Spf berapa pula)

Yang mungkin cocok :
- menginginkan pelembab ringan untuk sehari-hari
- kulit normal sampai kombinasi-berminyak
- yang bisa toleransi alkohol dan parfum dalam skincare
- yang ingin mencari pelembab dengan finishing matte dan oil control lumayan

Yang mungkin tidak cocok :
- kulit kering
- tidak suka alcohol dan parfum dalam skin care
- butuh Spf tinggi
- Ingin krim dengan kandungan pelembab lebih banyak (rich n moist)
- Ingin memutihkan kulit (krim ini hanya sedikit mencerahkan)
- kulit sangat sensitif

Berniat untuk beli lagi? Mungkin. Krim ini lumayan cocok kujadikan dasar (base) buat alas bedak punyaku karena ini krim bisa ngeblend dengan gampang dan membuat alas bedak lebih menyatu dengan kulit. Dan yang penting, harganya sangat terjangkau, bener2 irit bo’!

Update :
Setelah sering dipakai, di kulitku makin lama koq agak kering ya, semacam oily-dehydrated gitu. Sepertinya aq kurang cocok kalo dipakai buat sehari2, mungkin sesekali dipakai buat dasar foundie aja gpp kali ya.
Ini pengalamanku, bagaimana pengalamnmu? Bisa share di komentar ^^

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion

Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion Review

(Note : this review is based on my personal experience, I wrote it just for sharing, I did not get paid or having other motives)

My skin condition was : combination-oily-dehydrated, acne-prone, rough, big pores, blemished, sensitives (itchy and redness), dull, uneven skin tone.

          First I would like to tell u about my experience, hope u don’t mind to read it or else u can just skip it. Mind my English, It is bad and I realize it… I used to write in Indonesian but I want to share with everybody, not just those from my country since it is review about foreign brand from Korea.
         Finally, I write this review after been using this product up until now, starting from Nov 2011. I’d been struggling  with acne dissaster  on my face and neck for more than 6 months before I started using this product. My face was easily prone and there were bumps every where on my face and neck. Every time new bumps appeared, I applied acne treatment gel but every after one down, the others always came as the replacement, and this situation continued until my face and half of my neck were filled by acne scars and blemishes. I got that situation because of trying cosmetic products that didn’t suit for my skin and also because of environmental stress. I have sensitive skin, easily experience redness, and breakouts if I use wrong products. I tried product that claimed to be non comedogenic but the fact those are clogging my pores, Grrh… (sorry just got emotional every time I remember it)
         I’d tried many products for acne-oily skin treatment but those only made it worse. In my past, 2 years ago, I experienced almost the same disaster, and I went to beauty clinic, consulted a doctor, did some painful chemical peeling for acne treatment, used medical cream based on recipe and it worked to cure my acne. But I didn’t want to do it again coz I noticed those treatment made my skin become more sensitive especially to the sun exposure.
          One day I dropped by on my friend’s workplace. She’s running some beauty-slimming theraphy clinic. I heard one of her patient said that she had been experiencing bad breakouts and she came to the doctor but didn’t work well until she tried brand named Skinfood. Few days later I googled Skinfood and browsed the official web. I read about the Parsley and mandarin line and I read several reviews about the product that mentioned the same problem as me.  The line is for troubled skin (yes, I was definitely in big trouble, thought this would suit me well).
            On the middle November 2011 I went to Galaxy Mall Surabaya and saw Skinfood shop there. The SA examined my skin and said that I had a combination-oily skin, very oily in the T-zone, jaw and chin area but bit dry on the cheeks and also sensitive skin. She suggested me to buy Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion for a start to help me cure my breakouts. Why not tea tree? She said that Tea tree line would be drying for me coz tea tree only for those with super oily skin. I asked why she suggest emulsion for me and she said that for a skin condition like mine, the emulsion was suited best coz it is lightweight, easy absorbed and wouldn’t clog pores. I could’nt use the cream version coz I was in the bad  acne condition and I have to careful not to put heavy or creamy product on my face. She also suggested me Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel as the cleanser and to use medicated acne cleaning soap that can be bought in the drugstore if I didn’t kinda feel sure to try skinfood facial foam.  About the toner, the SA didn’t suggest me to use toner so I didn’t buy one.
            For a girl who mostly buy skin care under Rp. 100.000 (about $ 11), this is bit too expensive for me but it came with 160 ml glass bottle, sure a lot of amount it was and the SA told me that It could last about 6 month. Well, sounds worth the price since it is not categorized as premium brand. (lately I know that I can buy it a lot cheaper almost half the counter price if I buy via online shop)

Ok, enough with my story now get into the product. Sorry for the blurry pic here, I took these with a notebook web cam. U can visit the site for a better description of the product in

Packaging : In a 160 ml clear glass bottle with ingredients list on the label. U can see the amount of the product inside.

           I first tried to use it on the night. After cleansing my face with Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel and then wash my face with Stiefel Acne Aid facial soap bar (I’ll also review the Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel later) after that I use the Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion by spread it in a generous amount all over my face and neck (well, the bumps were also in my neck). 

Night order : Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel --> Stiefel Acne Aid facial soap bar --> Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion --> Acne Spot lotion (only applied to the spots my big acne bumps)
After 1 month application, I rarely used my acne lotion since I didn’t have big bumps anymore.

Texture : White-Orangey lightweight lotion, non sticky, watery, easy absorbed, bit strong citrusy-herbal-alcohol smell (also parsley smell maybe)

           When I woke up in the morning, I noticed my redness decrease. I felt that it soothed and calmed my skin and also some of my little zits dried. This emulsion is also keep my skin hydrated and my skin become more supple after few days use.
          I knew that I can’t use two way cake since I was in the acne troubled skin condition but just can’t leave the horrible parts of my face exposed to the world! Yes before I go to work, after using Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion I put on two way cake to cover my acne and blemished and I always carry my Silky Girl Lightening two way cake every where and tap it in my face whenever the coverage start to fade away. I knew that acne skin should use loose powder in light coverage that won’t clog pores and avoid foundation, compact and two way cake but I was just didn't do that.

My morning ritual was :
Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing Gel --> Stiefel Acne Aid Facial Soap Bar --> Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Emulsion --> Two Way Cake  

           In opinion of a sensitive girl like me who doesn’t like perfume in skin care, this emulsion is really does have  strong smell that bother me actually. When u use the emulsion, do avoid eyes area. Sometimes I use too generous amount of it on my chin include my eye brows area (since I also had few little zits there) and then when my face sweats at night the emulsion that I’ve rubbed above my eye brows run down hurting my eyes or in the morning there’re more dirt on my eyes than usual. I’ve said when u use it, do avoid eyes area!
After 1 month usage, I noticed it helps reducing the number of my acne, calming and soothing my redness, and controlling my sebum and bit freshen up my face. I seldom use my acne spot lotion anymore since after 1 month usage I didn’t have big bumps anymore, only a few little to medium zits.
          After 2 month usage, it does help me cure my troubled skin. My face became more resistant to environmental stress, did not easy to get acne, itchy or redness anymore. It also refined my skin texture become smoother and suppler, keep my skin hydrated and bit lightened up. Well, I’m pretty happy with the result, I can prove to my mom that I can cure my troubled skin without having to go to dermatologist or beauty clinic since back then she suggested me to go back to the N*****a beauty clinic. Yiiipppiiiieeee! :)
              It does help my skin to be ‘stronger’ which means reducing it sensitivity to redness and acne. After dealing with acne, I must deal with post acne blemishes that left all over my chin, cheeks, jaw, and neck. This emulsion did little bit lighten up my blemishes but just a bit. I have waited for 1 month (third month of using it) wishing it would help me to decrease the appearance of my blemishes but I only saw a little improvement. I was eyeing for some lightening product but my rational mind told me “Hey, Ur skin just healed from terrible acne, remember? U should give it some time before u put new lightening product on it”. Well, I tried to be patient then. I still can cover my imperfections by using bb cream (I used Silky Girl Magic BB Cream which I have already reviewed).

 I open the back label to see the Ingredients list on english

Ingredients :
Water, Propylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol, Isostearyl Neopentanoate, Alcohol, Cyclomethicone, Glycerin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Dimethicone, Laureth-23, Laureth-4, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Panthenol, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Petroselinum Sativum (Parsley) Extract, Citrus Nobilis (Mandarin Orange) Fruit Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Seed Extract, Cholesterol, Ceramide 3, Disodium Edta, Triethanolamine, Acrylates / C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Carbomer, Tocopheryl Acetate, Taraxacum Platycarpum Extract, Lilium Candidum Bulb Extract, Menthol, Phenoxyethanol, Propyl Paraben, Methyl Paraben, Cl 15985, Cl 19140, Cl 42090, Parfum.

It use 320 mg Parsley Extract and 320 mg Mandarin Orange Fruit Extract as the active ingredients.

Skinfood is proudly mention their brand as organic natural cosmetic but when I look into the ingredients, it sure does contain natural ingredients but the product itself not 100% natural. Well, can’t hope more within their price range, right?

Pros :
- Lightweight, Non sticky, easy absorbed
- Keep my skin hydrated, smoother and suppler
- Did great job to cure my acne troubled skin
- Soothes and Calms my skin
- Refine my skin texture
- Worth the price, 1 bottle goes a long way, cheaper if u buy it via online shop
- Nice packaging in a glass bottle, I like glass container better than plastic
- Contain lot of natural ingredients
- Did not clog my pores
- Control my sebum and decrease my white heads

Cons :
- Strong unpleasant smell
- Did not help enough to reduce the appearance of my post acne blemishes
- Contain alcohol and perfume

Who may like it :
- Oily-combination skin like me

Who may not like it :
- People with dry skin and super sensitive skin
- Who don’t tolerate alcohol and perfume in skin care
- Who don’t like the strong smell of it

Repurchase? Yes, It is a product that pretty useful to handle my skin trouble, definitely a thing that I should stock up at home. Really worth the price. Well, I’ll keep this opinion until I find some better and the real organic one at affordable price of course.

I’ve been using it until now (the date of this review made), but now I don’t use it every day since I also use skin lightening product. It’s still almost 1/3 of the bottle, guess I’ll buy for a stock when it’s almost ran out.
Hope this review can help.

(Note : U may have different skin condition from mine, even if u feel like facing the same acne problem, I suggest to buy the sample version if available or test some little amount on some part of ur face to see the effect of this product on u before u decide to use it all over ur face.)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Wardah Acne Cleansing Gel (Facial Wash)

Wardah Acne Cleansing Gel 60 ml

(catatan : review ini dibuat hanya untuk sharing, tidak ada muatan komersil atau apapun)

 Gambar diambil dari website wardah

Deskripsi kemasan : mengurangi minyak pada wajah, merawat kulit berjerawat

Ingredients : Water, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Cocamidoprophyl Betain, Zinc Gluconate, Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Fragrance, Salicylic Acid, Acrylate Copolymer, Triethanolamine, Allantoin, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone. May contain : Cl42090, Cl19140.

Teksturnya berupa gel bening warna biru kehijauan, busanya sedengan, ngga terlalu banyak juga ngga sedikit. Pernah aku langsung cuci muka pakai ini tanpa terlebih dulu memakai milk cleanser untuk membersihkan make up ringan, eh lumayan bersih juga lho, cuman ya itu membusakannya kudu banyak. Produk ini ngga membikin kulit kering coz biz cuci muka tetep terasa lembab.

Pros :
- adem sejuk di kulit
- Baunya enak
- Kulit terasa segar dan bersih, tidak kering
- Affordable price n available locally here
- kemasan cukup bisa mengontrol jumlah produk yang ingin dikeluarkan

Cons :
- Kurang mengandung bahan2 alami

Repurchase? Yes, unless I want to try another brand

Update Dec 2012 :
This is my second purchase

I like this product coz it helps to control sebum and oil on my skin.

Review Silky Girl Magic BB Cream

Review : Silky Girl Magic BB Cream  Spf 25/PA +++ 25 ml

(This review based on my own experience, just for sharing, no other motives)

 I take picture from

Deskripsi dari kemasan : Oil Free, Fragrance Free & Non Comedogenic, with brightening powder to eliminate dullness on skin.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Oriflame Optimals Even Out Day Cream Spf 20

(Note : I write my review just for sharing based on my own experience, I don’t get paid for this, no other motives such as promotion or doing bad critics for some labels/ products. I bought all my reviewed items by my own money and I tried those products because of my own curiousity)  

Review : Oriflame Optimals Even Out Day Cream Spf 20 

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Wardah Luminous Liquid Foundation

(Sekedar Catatan: Review ini q buat dari pengalaman personal aja, ngga ada unsur promosi atopun ngejatohin produk tertentu. Aq beli dan mencoba produk atas kemauan sendiri. What I wrote just for sharing that’s all)

Review Wardah Luminous Liquid Foundation 40 ml
Foto diambil dari :
Maap, aq ga bisa menyediakan foto hasil jepretan sendiri coz lagi ga punya kamera yg qualified he he…

Deskripsi dari kemasan :
Even out skin tone, cover imperfections, non sticky and light texture

Oriflame Even Out Dark Spot Fading Concentrate

(Note : I write my review just for sharing based on my own experience, I don’t get paid for this, no other motives such as promotion or doing bad critics for some labels/ products. I bought all my reviewed items by my own money and I tried those products because of my own curiousity)

Review : Oriflame Optimals Even Out Dark Spot Fading Concentrate
The picture is taken from oriflame official site, I can't provide pictures by my self, well I'm not good at taking photos and don't have a good quality camera, sorry. 
Packaging : a small tube 10 ml with a roller