Sunday, 16 February 2014

Oriflame Essentials Multi- Purpose Cream Multi- Vitamin Complex & Watermelon

Hello, Dear Readers

How’s ur weekend? Mine is still clouded with the effect of Kelud Mountain eruption. The blast occurred 3 days ago. The dust made the way to my hometown and blended with the air. I have to bring mask everytime I go out. Yesterday is worse than today, the air very choking. I had trouble with my breath. Rain has come yesterday and this midday and made the air less dusty, thank God. However I still like it better indoor than be in outdoor in time like this.
Pray for Kelud and the people around there, hope soon things will get better.

Previously I have reviewed Essentials Hydrating Mask. This is another product in the same line. This one has cute pattern on the jar.

Pic From Oriflame Web

Friday, 14 February 2014

Oriflame Essentials Hydrating Face Mask (First Impression)

Hello, dear readers

When my friend from work handed me Oriflame February 2014 catalogue, I could not resist but to browse into it. These new products offered in discount price, looked very tempting to refuse. So I bought these two.

 Both are Oriflame Essentials new product launched in this month
These 2 are in summer theme

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sariayu Solusi Martha Tilaar Organic Revolution Renewage Face Serum (First Impression)

Halo teman2 semua,

Sekarang nich saya sepertinya jadi makin pemilih dalam membeli skincare. Maunya saya, sebisa mungkin memakai skincare yang kaya akan bahan2 alaminya dan minim bahan2 sintetis (pewarna, pengawet, dll) yang ngga ada gunanya buat kulit. Nah, semenjak Sariayu meluncurkan line Solusi Organic Renewage ini, saya sudah penasaran pengen nyoba. Terutama serumnya yang harganya paling mahal diantara produk2 lainnya dalam satu line. Serum Sariayu Solusi Organic Renewage ini katanya produk best sellernya.

 Produk masih terbungkus box
di atas dan bawah bukaan box ada segel stiker plastik kecil berperekat 
sehingga box tak mudah terbuka dengan sendirinya

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Nivea Fruity Shine Strawberry Review

(Since I bought this product in version that sold in Indonesia, so I decided to make this review in my mother language, Bahasa, my foreign readers please hit the translate button, thank u for visiting this blog : ))

Hai, semua

Mumpung nganggur nich, saya buru2 buka laptop buat nulis review. Kasian pembaca saya kalau saya lama ngga update blog >.<
Akhir2 ini saya lagi bosan pakai lipstick. Rasanya jenuh saja kalau ngeliat bibir saya seringkali saya cover penuh dengan warna lipstick. Saya lagi pengen tampil natural. Karena itu setelah lipstick saya yang warnanya sheer habis, saya beralih pada tinted lip balm. Dan saya cari produk yang harganya terjangkau tentunya, he he… lagi bokek sodara2 >.<

 Tampak beserta kemasan produk
Nivea Fruity Shine

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Oriflame Skin Dream BB Cream SPF 30 Review

Hello, dear readers

Finally I got my vacation on this early month. From 30 january until 2 Feb 2014, I spent time at Pelabuhan Ratu Beach, I stayed in a hotel on the side of the beach. What a lovely holiday... I've been wanting to sip some juice on the beach for months.
Hope I could have some holiday trip again soon ^_^

                                                         Here is how the tube looks like
                                                       Pic taken from oriflame website


 Hi dear readers,

I’m not delivering some recommendation today. This is just gonna be a short review. Wanna know why? Keep reading. I’m sure many of u know this product. This one from ZA Cosmetics.

From ZA web

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Hello, dear readers

I'm not posting any review this time. I just want to tell u about products I uses and test around the latest 2 months (January- February 2014).

So here are products currently used (and tested) by me.

Make Up Remover I currently use :
1. Anna Sui Balancing Cleanser (Previously reviewed)
2. Etude Lip and Eye Make Up Remover (Previously reviewed)
3. Rohto Face On Face Nourishing Make Up Remover (currently tested)