Hope u all look pretty and happy everyday
This time I just gonna write my current experiment with combining products for cleanser function.
My 2 in 1 cleanser already ran out on early month and I was going to repurchase.
But when I went to Giant depart. store, I saw Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Cleansing Milk for Oily Skin was sold in a pocket friendly price. Oh yes, It's cheaper than the price of most 2in1 cleanser.
I forgot how much exactly the price but I'm sure that it's no more than IDR 9000 ($ 1). So I bought it.
Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Cleansing Milk
(Half left)
This is maybe my third purchase for this milk cleanser. I purchased the same product last year.
When I looked at my refrigerator. Oh yes, I still have 2 bottle of Skinfood Toner. One is Parsley and Mandarin and the other is Peach Sake. And there still about half amount left in those bottles. I'm sure u're quite familiar with the size of the bottle of Skinfood Toners. Just when will I'll be done with them. I already have them for more than 8 months. I'm afraid they'll go expired before I finish them. I usually don't use them as cleansing toner before. I only use them as a refiner (preparing toner) in the morning (before morning skincare + make up routine), after facial wash and (sometimes) in the night before putting my night cream.
Besides those Toners, actually I had the others. But I've given them to my gal friends and my mother because I was not quite liking them. I considered they're not gentle enough for my skin.
My skin is : oily combination, large pores, sensitive and get redness sometimes.
And lately I feel my skin is easily getting acne and tends to experience clogged pores problem. So I think 2in1 cleanser is not enough. I think I have to use 2 steps cleanser which has healing properties too and can help me to normalize my oily and (a bit) troubled skin.
So I pair these...
Instead of buying Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Toner or other cleansing toner, I use my Parsley and Mandarin I already owned. Actually I'm not a fan of Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Toner either. Because that Mustika Lime toner has strong scent and the formula is not gentle enough for me compared to my Skinfood toners.
Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Toner is originally NOT a cleansing toner. It's supposed to be used after facial wash (on cleansed skin) or before putting up ur moisturizer/ serum.
But lately I found that both of my Skinfood toners (Peach Sake and Parsley Mandarin) are also good to be used as cleansing toner.
Both Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Cleansing Milk and Skinfood Parsley Mandarin Toner are targetting oily and troubled skin. So I paired them :)
The common (right) order supposedly:
Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Cleansing Milk -- > Facial Wash -- > Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Toner
But what I do is :
Mustika Ratu Lemon Lime Cleansing Milk -- > Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Toner
and then go to bed ha ha...^^
I sometimes use my Peach Sake Toner after using Mustika Ratu Cleansing Milk.
Fyi, I always lazy to go to bathroom and use facial wash in the night.
The pair of those items has a good result in removing my make up, starting from medium make up (bb cream+loose powder) until the semi heavy one (bb cream, foundie, loose powder, concealer, eye shadow, blush on and others).
So this month I use them.
And the good news is that the pair helps me to handle my troubled skin. My pores feel tightened, it helps to regulate oil and sebum production and prevents acne.
Will I ever use this pair again in the future? I don't know, maybe.
Sorry if the way I write this review is terrible and pretty much not systematic. But I'll keep learning to improve my writing skill.
Do u have any skincare experiment u want to tell me? I would like to know ur story^^
Mbak, enak mana tonernya yang parsley apa mandarin? hehehe.. btw theme blognya lucuuuu banget mbak, di surabaya panas banget, liat air2 gitu berasa adem hehehe *OOT*..
Makasi ya mbak suka mampir2 ke blogku *peyuk* hehehehe
Halo Hana :)
Tonernya itu cuma satu, Skinfood parsley and mandarin Toner namanya.
Itu seri keluaran Skinfood yang buat troubled skin.
Kalo mo bandingin ama Tonernya mustika ratu yang semestinya pasangannya si lemon milk cleanser itu ya aq lebih suka yg skinfood punya :)
ha ha aq baru aja ganti layout koq, bosen ama yg lama :)
btw nama aq Deasy, iya blogmu itu salah satu blog yang lumayan sering aq kunjungi soalnya update terus sih dan gambarnya juga banyak he he juga seneng aja liat FOTD2 kreasi make up yg Hana bikin
Everything is right if it works :D hehe nice review!
Halo Adel
Yes u're right. Sometimes a little experiment is ok he he :)
Thank u for visiting here :)
wow nice tips say...
I'll try it next time...
Hello, Elsza
He he I just make use of my Toner stock :)
udh pernah nyobain viva say? mumer tp katany best seller bgt, aku lht di FD...
milk cleansernya viva beberapa uda pernah aq coba, mulai yg bengkuang, cucumber, lemon, green tea ampe yg putih itu. Terlalu keras, say, buat mukaku, ditambah lg semua milk cleanserny viva itu ada kandungan mineral oilnya. Kulit mukaku mesti 'protes' kalau pakai produk yg ada mineral oil dan sebangsanya itu.
Tonernya viva aq juga beberapa pernah coba tapi formulanya terasa agak 'keras' di mukaku, jadi ya aq cari alternatif lain...
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