Good day, monsieur and mademoiselle^^
This time I present u my review about Maybelline lip gloss. This is gonna be some short review since I'm not gonna explain much. In exchange I put some decent snap snap about the product for ur info.
Guess lately I've been pretty lazy to write. I'm sorry if I don't post constantly, sometimes it depends on my mood. Oh yes, I always need clear head and good mood to write some proper review.
(at this point, call me lazy moody amateur writer ha ha..)
Price : Rp. 29.000/ about $4 (at matahari Dept. Store)
Picture taken from official web of Maybelline
Actually Maybelline has several shades on this line. Mine is the orangey one 'mad about melon' shade.
Why You'll love it
- Unmatched glossy shine that lasts through the day
- Eight delicious shades and flavours
- Non sticky nature
- Superior spreadability
Expert Tip
Start with the center of your lower lip and glide gently towards the outer edges. Follow the same technique for your upper lip.
Here are the snap snap I took with my Benq 10.0 MP
It has plastic tube packaging, the size and shape quite pocket friendly
The scent of this product suits the name, it really smells like melon, such a yummy scent. It tastes sweet too, like a melon candy. I have to remind my self that It's not like having candy on my lips ha ha...
The staying power is just average I guess. It's always gone by the meal so I have to reapply several times in a day.
On the back label of the tube written :
High Shine Sheer Colour
Mad About Melon
The back label contains ingredient list
It's sure a huge list to write down since I could not capture it clearly with my pocket camera.
This is how the product looks like (without flash)
The texture is orangey shimmering gel with melon scent.
Photo with flash. The orange color looks so bright and the glitters sparkling
The diagonal applicator is pretty nice. U can control the amount of the product u want to aplly on ur lips.
Here is the swatch under the flash light of my camera
Swatch in a darker lighting
(Without Flash) The finish is quite sheer and pretty much transparent.
This product is quite moisturizing in my opinion but for super dry and chopped lips, I suggest u to put lipbalm first prior to using this.
Like :
- moisturizing
- easy to spread all over lips
- match well on top any kind of lipstick I tried
- nice glossy finish (make my lips look fresh)
- affordable and available in many dept. store
- Pocket friendly packaging
- diagonal tube applicator make this product easy to use
Dislike :
- The color is very much sheer, transparent finish. Actually I hoped for little orangey pigmented color.
- The staying power is so so. Always wiped away by the meal.
- Paraben on the 8th on the ingredients list
Repurchase? Maybe, for different color and tinted varian.
What's ur opinion? Have u ever tried it before? Let me know if u have something in mind u want to suggest me, I'll be happy to hear from u^^
aku pake ini jadi tambah kering lhoo sayyy D:
tapi suka warna-warnanya, gimana dong >.<
maen-maen blog ku yaaah
orangenya gak pigmented yaa..sayang bgt nie,padahal murah n gampang ditemukan yaa..
btw aku pernah colek2 macam lip gloss gtu punya PAC, bentuknya di jar kecil gtu,warnanya orange lebih pigmented loh,bikin terlihat seger deh pokoknya. Tapi sayangnya mahal deh dikantong saya,jadi colek2 di store aja deh..hehehe
@ Gita : lho, malah jadi kering ya dear, coba sebelum pakai ini apply lip balm dulu biar ngga kering. Dia ada kandungan alkoholnya meski sedikit, mungkin itu sensitizer yg bikin kering di bibir kamu.
Ok, aq bakal mampir di blogmu juga. Thanx dear :)
@ Dini: iya ini transparan jatohnya kalo diapply di bibir,sayang banget dia ngga pigmented padahal warna orangenya pas di tube itu eye catching bgt.
Aq belum pernah nyoba lip glossnya PAC dear, yg pernah coba cuman lipstik matte-nya PAC aja yg menurutku pigmented banget n bold gitu tekturnya.
He he jadi pengen colek2 di konternya juga denger ceritamu. (langsung bikin agenda ke mall buat nyamperin konter PAC :))
Thanks good reviewnya yah,I was considering to buy this, kebetulan bibirku kering nih,mikir2 lagi deeh setelah baca ini. Awalnya aku kira smua lipgloss bisa bikin bibir lembab ^_^"
btw,visit my blog yaah :D
iya, produk ini reaksinya beda2 di tiap2 orang, aq rasa kalau mau melembapkan bibir mending pakai lip balm aja.
Aq sendiri lebih percaya ama lip balm daripada gloss untuk urusan kelembaban bibir.
Ok, I'll visit u back ^^
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